Organismal Environmental Agricultural Careers

Minimum Education Requirements Symbol
Bachelor's Degree BSDegree
Master's Degree/Clinical Degree MSDegree
Ph. D.  PhDDegree
Additional Requirements Symbol
Healthcare Experience HealthcareIcon
Research Experience ResearchExperience
Publications Publications
Field Experience Field Experience

Agricultural Research Scientist

Agricultural research scientists work to develop methods for increasing the efficiency and safety of agricultural facilities and products. Data and samples of produce, feed, soil, and other factors affecting agricultural products are collected and analyzed as part of their duties.

Education: BSDegree Experience: Field Experience Publications

Aquaculture Biologist

Aquaculture scientists work in all aspects of fish husbandry. They specialize in operating and monitoring aquatic farms, and their job responsibilities include fish grading, feeding, fish movement, water quality monitoring, and fish inventory control, as well as general cleaning of equipment and facility.

Education: BSDegree Experience: Field Experience 

Nature Conservation Officer

Nature conservation officers are responsible for monitoring hunting, fishing, and other wildlife areas. They are responsible for ensuring that all wildlife regulations and laws are being complied with in order maintain preservation of natural habitats.

Education: BSDegree Experience: Field Experience 

Environmental Consultant

Environmental consultants are responsible for providing advisory assessments to the management of environmental issues. Their work is aimed at lessening the environmental impact due to commercial, industrial, and government projects. Environmental consultants perform both desk and field work, preparing scientific reports on their findings, and evaluating environmental policy. 

Education: BSDegree Experience: Field Experience 


Foresters manage and conserve forests by overseeing forest land, managing budgets, and ensuring that forest crew activities comply with government and environmental regulations. Foresters are responsible for planting new trees, monitoring wildlife habitats, and even suppressing forest fires.

Education: BSDegree Experience: Field Experience 

Park ranger

Park rangers work in the outdoors, patrolling campgrounds and trails while ensuring the safety of park visitors and conserving the surrounding wildlife habitat. Park rangers also conduct tours, perform emergency care for visitors and animals, and perform park maintenance.

Education: BSDegree Experience: Field Experience 

Wildlife Forensic Scientist

Wildlife forensic scientists use chemical techniques to investigate wildlife related crimes. They often work alongside wildlife inspectors, as well as fish and game wardens to collect evidence, investigate, and work to prosecute wildlife related crimes. Wildlife forensic scientists work for federal and state wildlife agencies.

Education: BSDegree Experience: Field Experience 


Zookeepers are trained professionals that work to take care of captive animals. They monitor animals and make sure they are fed, clean, and properly taken care of. Zookeepers work closely with veterinarians to ensure the health of the animals and to monitor their behavior. 

Education: BSDegree Experience: Field Experience 


Zoologists work closely with other wildlife biologists to study animals and their relationship with their ecosystems. Zoologists study animals' physical features, their behaviors, and how human activity impact their natural habitats.

Education: BSDegree Experience: Field Experience 

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