How WP LEADS Badges Work?


  • Activities that count towards a Digital Badge will be advertised on Pioneer Life, as well as other relevant web sites, flyers, social media, university calendar, etc.

  • Students can search Pioneer Life on-line or the corq app for Badge-qualifying opportunities. Offices that offer badge activities may also send emails to students regarding upcoming activities and events.

  • Once a student participates in an activity that counts toward a Digital badge requirement, their attendance is uploaded into Pioneer Life and they are enrolled in that Badge path. Each Digital Badge has their own requirements, which can be found here:

  • Pioneer Life tracks student Badge progress over the course of a student’s enrollment at the University. Students can review their Badge progress by logging into Pioneer Life.  Badges and event participation are also automatically added to student Engagement Portfolios in Pioneer Life to assist with resume writing, internship and scholarship applications, interviews, etc.

  • Digital Badge requirements can be completed at a student’s own pace. Some badges can be accomplished in one semester, while others may require several semesters.

  • Once a student meets the criteria for 3 Digital Badges, they will be considered for induction to the WP LEADS Honor Society, granted they also meet GPA requirements and are in good disciplinary standing.

  • If a student attends an activity that they think may count towards a digital badge, they can contact Campus Activities, Service and Leadership (, and include the title, description, date and sponsor, so that we may evaluate the program for inclusion. University faculty and staff may also contact CASL to enroll their program into a WP LEADS digital badge.